Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Brazilian model blasts Bush, backs women’s rights

Brazilian model Gisele Bundchen criticized U.S. President George W. Bush in an interview with Brazil’s Folha da Sao Paulo. As Monsters & Critics reported:

“'He was awful. It's enough just to look at what is happening nowadays because of him, how so many people came to hate the United States,' she said”.

Bundchen also spoke in favor of legalizing abortion in Brazil and “a woman’s right to choose what she wants do with her body.”

Brazil was the site of a visit last month by Pope Benedict XVI; during his trip, the pontiff spoke out against loosening anti-abortion laws in Latin America and blamed the media for “glamorizing sex.”

Sources (Portuguese)- Folha da Sao Paulo

Sources (English)- Monsters & Critics, The Latin Americanist

Image- Deutsche Welle

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