Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Violence ends immigrants' rights march in Los Angeles

Though most of yesterday’s pro-immigrant marches in the U.S. transpired peacefully with hundreds of thousands of marchers, violence erupted in Los AngelesMacArthur Park. According to one blogger’s eyewitness account, several “anarchist youth” provoked Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers who responded by shooting tear gas and rubber bullets into a crowd that included “mothers with children, the elderly and handicapped, and many others who were peacefully congregated.”

(Hat tip for last link: Global Voices Online).

Even reporters covering the Los Angeles march were not immune from the officers’ reaction as police “knocked over (Telemundo) cameraman Juan Guerra and reporter Gabriel Huerta was hit by a plastic bullet.”

In an interview this morning Telemundo national news anchorman Pedro Sevcec called yesterday’s incidents “lamentable” and emphasized the “disproportionate” amount of force from the LAPD. Video to the interview as well as footage of Sevcec being caught in the middle of a chaotic scene may be accessed here.

LAPD Commissioner William Bratton promised an internal investigation of the incidents in MacArthur Park.

YouTube has a video of CNN reporting incident in question; despite it being provoked by “eight young people” (according to Sevcec), the video certainly indicates that the reaction by police was more than necessary:

Links- Daily Herald, Raw Story, Gothamist, LAX-LIM,, Univision, YouTube


  1. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Big crowd, cops nervous about protecting everyone. Remember there were other groups there not so favorable to illegal's demanding rights and amnesty.

    Some real stupid people set out to provoke the cops and got all they asked for. Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! News-people even more brain-dead, when cop tells you to move on, hit the bricks, don't stay and argue about it.

    The illegal's certainly didn't pick up any brownie points today in LA!

  2. "Some real stupid people" did pay the consequences of provking the LAPD. That is certainly not difficult to dispute.

    The problem becomes when:
    1- the provacateurs (sp) are only 8 dumb kids in a crowd of 100s
    2- the LAPD disperse a relatively peaceful crowd (according to eyewitness accounts) with tear gas and rubber bullets
    3- according to the video from Telemundo (which we linked to) reporters were moving along but one cameraman was knocked over and then hit by 1 or 2 police officers

    This incident shouldn't hold too much bearing on the immigration debate. But after watching at least 3 different videos of the incident (online- Telemundo, CNN & television- Univision) it becomes painfully clear that "brownie points" ought to be docked from the LAPD more than any other group.

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    This is an example of militant protesters who faced off with cops who were told to clear the park and keep the peace.

    The anti-USA mostly illegal alien protesters were throwing rocks and sticks at the police who were simply trying to clear MacArthur park.

    If illegal alien mexicans and others who have entered the country illegally continue to press and push the American public, you can bet that some group of Americans will eventually respond with force. That would be very bad news for the protesters.

    Let's not let that happen! Do not march in America's streets telling the public that you want to force change on America!

    If you're in America illegally, leave and take all your illegal friends with you.

    If you're in the USA legally, abide by our laws. Use our language in public, and don't turn against us by joining racist groups like La Raza Unida and LULAC.

    If you're in the USA legally, help make America even better than it is now through the way you live.

  4. "Eight youth" (according to one journalist on the scene) = militant protesters? That seems like a bit of a stretch.

    Certainly, the police were within their right to retaliate against protesters who attacked them. But they may have gone to far in their retaliation judging by the videos of the incident which we linked to.

    whether or not the protesters were for or against immigrants rights is a moot point. The main point is the police reaction at the few people dumb enough to provoke them.

    Unfortunately Mark you fail to acknowledge that based on your staunch anti-immigrant stance.

    Let's stick to the topic at hand, please.
