Friday, March 30, 2007

The blogosphere and Cesar Chavez

Mexican-American labor leader and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez would have celebrated his 80th birthday tomorrow. Several bloggers have recently spoken out over Chavez and the impact he has had:

  • Duane Campbell examines the impact that Chavez had to the United Farm Workers- the labor union he co-founded and led for nearly two decades.
  • In honor of Chavez, Sactomato describes an agricultural bill currently in California’s legislature that would help small farmers and conservation efforts.
  • The Uncommon Man cites an article that will be published tomorrow on how Chavez help champion the use of nonviolence as a means of protest.
  • Pat Joseph at the Sierra Club’s blog mentions that it supports efforts to make March 31st a federal holiday in Chavez' name. (This is a measure that I wholeheartedly and unequivocally agree with).
  • One blogger mentions how Chavez campaigned against illegal immigration; however, would someone as humane as Chavez support measures by “the xenophobic right” such as anti-immigrant laws in Pennsylvania or conditions at some immigrant detention centers? I think not.
  • The “Golden Rule” according to Chavez.
  • Medusa’s Kitchen gives a few poems by famed Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca to honor Chavez.
  • Perhaps the best and most succinct quote to describe Chavez: “Rock on, Cesar Chavez.” Damn straight.
  • Lastly, this is not a blog post, but a news report on how some students in Sacramento walked out of class as a way of honoring Chavez. Though Cesar Chavez Day is a state holiday in California, it is up to school districts to decide whether or not to close school today. (Sounds odd, doesnt’ it?)

Links- Sactomato, TPM CafĂ©, The Uncommon Man, Sierra Club, Contrary, The Arizona Daily Star, Corruption Chronicles, VivirLatino, the Golden Rule Radical, Medusa’s Kitchen, bear mountain picnic, KCRA

Image- (1969 TIME cover art depicting Cesar Chavez)

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