Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Daily headlines: November 22nd

* What are the Bush twins (image) doing in Argentina?

* Iran threatened to take legal action against an Argentine court decision which implicated Iran's goverment in a 1994 Buenos Aires bombing.

* Electoral observers from the Caribbean and the Americas have arrived in St. Lucia to oversee next month’s parliamentary elections.

* Spain's Banco Santander announced plans to add more than 6 million customers from Brazil and Mexico over the next 3 years.

* Legal representatives from Guyana and Suriname are preparing for hearings next month to settle a 44-year border dispute between both countries.

* Financial analysts in the U.S. are hoping that Nicaraguan president-elect Daniel Ortega can turn the country’s economy around, according to Reuters.

Links- Wonkette (blog), International Herald Tribune, The Latin Americanist (blog), Jamaica Gleaner, MarketWatch,, Reuters

Image- BBC News

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