Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Lula looking to shake off Alckmin in Brazilian presidential runoff

"Victory will just take a little longer, that's all," said Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Monday after he was surprisingly unable to avoid a runoff against ex-Sao Paulo governor Geraldo Alckmin. It is expected that both candidates will run negative campaigns against each other over the next 3 weeks and will also try to court the support of two candidates who garnered nearly 10% of the ballots in the first round: Heloisa Helena from the extreme-left and ex-minister Cristovam Baurque.

Links- BBC, Monsters and Critics, Globe and Mail (Canada)

Image- SABC News (South Africa) (Alckmin on the left and Lula on the right, so to speak).

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