Friday, July 21, 2006

Bloggers of the world unite and take over (hand it over, hand it over)

And now for your reading pleasure are several recent posts on Latin American affairs by a number of bloggers including some on our links page.

-Boz gives a synopsis of the latest poll numbers from several countries including Mexico, Venezuela, and Ecuador. Earlier this week he touched on how India is expanding economically into Latin America.

-Going Global looks at the debate over immigration policy between Mexico and the U.S. and hypothesizes that the main question in the immigration debate is “how does neighbors and allies help each other when confronted with complex problems with mutual consequences?”

-Speaking of immigration, Marisa at Latina Lista discusses how immigration is not always “a ‘Hispanic’ thing.”

-The Center for International Policy’s blog on Colombia provides a very revealing account of a hearing held earlier this week by a U.S. congressional subcommittee entitled Venezuela: Terrorist Hub of the Western Hemisphere?”

-Justin at the Latin America News Review slams Marc Cooper’s piece on the waning political sway of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua which includes a brief blurb criticizing the U.S. left-wing press for seemingly ignoring Nicaragua.

-Is it too much to ask to stop the rumors over Fidel Castro’s “death” now that he’s currently at the Mercosur summit in Argentina? (Photographic evidence in first right image).

-Boli-Nica cites a 2002 article from the New Yorker that discussed Hezbollah’s influence in the U.S. and South America.

-As we mentioned a few days ago, the dynamic duo over at VivirLatino is hosting a poll on the “most influential Latino” of 2006; nominees include Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, reggaeton artist Daddy Yankee, and actress Salma Hayek.

-Breathtaking series of photos of IguaƧu Falls, (second left image), which lies on the Brazil-Argentina border and is taller than Niagara Falls.

-Global Voices collects posts over the past week from Bolivian bloggers including commemorating the 1980 murder of writer Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz by the military government.

-Speaking of Bolivia, the Business and Politics in Bolivia blog has an English-language translation of an interview from earlier this month of president Evo Morales (second right image) to an Argentinean newspaper.

-Lastly, Latino Pundit cites figures that claim that the number of Hispanics visiting blogs has grown dramatically over the past eight months.

p.s. By the way, did anyone understand the reference being made in the title of this post? Anybody?



  1. Saludos desde la "capital del mundo" to the sunny shores of San Diego!

    Yes lili, you are right. It was The Smiths (a personal fave of mine)!

    I'm very glad you like to read our blog and hopefully it'll continue to be informative for a long time.

  2. Great Latin America roundup.

    It also tempts me to dig up my copy of "Louder Than Bombs."

  3. Ah "Louder than Bombs", a great choice. Yet I confess to being more inclined towards "The Queen is Dead".

    And thanks for enjoying the post.

  4. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Everyone appreciates a good Morrissey reference.

    And hey, if you're looking for non-geo-political stuff on venezuela, stop by my musings - -

    I'll be winging for at least another week or so from Caracas.

  5. Anonymous6:24 PM

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