Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Colombia: Coca, conflict, corruption, oh my!

According to a recently released U.N. report, coca production in Colombia grew for the first time in 5 years inasmuch as coca production in Peru and Bolivia has declined. The report comes on the heels of a corruption scandal in the Colombian armed forces triggered by the killing of ten intelligence officers by soldiers bribed by a top drug baron. Meanwhile, the Foreign Ministers of Colombia and South Africa agreed to cooperate with each other in order to combat Colombia’s “drug problem.”

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  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Hijos de puta, si ojala supieran que producimos coca para satisfacer la demanda de estados unidos, porque aqui ni mierda se consume, enterita se va para los USA

  2. Anonymous8:35 PM

    En serio, soy de los EEUU y aca nos ensenan a todos el simple concepto de SUPPLY AND DEMAND pero los "intelectuales" no lo aplican al mundo real.

  3. Anonymous8:08 PM

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  4. I have been watching some documentary about it, I think that it is fantastic topic to make movies and series!! thanks!22dd
